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Jengaship Program



Jengaship Program

Jengaship is an NJABPsi student support resource that utilizes professional members as the support. The word "Jegna" is a translation from the ancient kingdom of Abyssinian. In African culture, Jegna is a title of distinction. The word Jegna has been translated into English as meaning: hero, warrior, soldier, courage, strength, and protection of our culture, land, and people,

and elder.


Jegna (Jegnoch, plural) are those special people who have:

  • been tested in struggle or battle,

  • demonstrated extraordinary and unusual fearlessness,

  • shown determination and courage in protecting his/her people, land, and culture,

  • shown diligence and dedication to our people,

  • produced exceptionally high-quality work,

  • dedicated themselves to the protection, defense, nurturance, and development of our young by

  • advancing our people, place, and culture


A Jegna is a person who is still growing, still a learner, still with potential, and whose life continues to have within it promise for and connection to the future. A Jegna is a person who deserves respect and honor and whose work it is to synthesize wisdom from life long experience and formulate this into a legacy for future generations.


On Saturday, April 20, 2019, another benefit of membership was re-introduced to NJABPsi, Jegnaship.

Jengaship is an ABPSsi student support resource that utilizes professional members as the support. A Jegna is a person who deserves respect and honor and whose work it is to synthesize wisdom from life long experience and formulate this into a legacy for future generations. Through being a Jegna, professional members will support and guide student members along their educational and early career aspirations.

Jegnaship is not a new concept to ABPsi, as it has been a part of the ABPsi tradition for years. We want to ensure that our branch of ABPsi is continuing to uphold many of the numerous benefits of being in the family of ABPsi through our own chapter.

If you are a student who desires a Jegna or professional who has a desire to be a Jegna to a student click below!

Formal Jegnaship match reveals and spotlights will be conducted at numerous times throughout the year.

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